El suicidio a cámara lenta de Europa

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Thornton is right to underscore the defects of Europe’s immigration policies, but his analysis might have been more compelling had he grappled with contrary evidence. In his 2004 book The Empty Cradle, for instance, demographer Phillip Longman presented data that birthrates were also falling in the Middle East. Indeed, according to some projections, by 2025 the Middle East as a whole may have fertility rates of only about 2.08. Algerian president Houari Boumedienne famously promised the Islamic world a victory that would emerge “from the wombs of our women,” but the wombs, it seems, are not cooperating.

Thornton’s assertion that religion, notably Christianity, is a receding force in European life stands on firmer statistical ground. Europe’s historic cathedrals overflow with tourists, not parishioners, he rightly observes. Filling the space vacated by traditional religion are “pseudo-religions” like environmentalism, a movement that comes complete with its own apocalyptic prophecies (global warming), its own promises of salvation (through government regulation and other intrusions into the free market), and its own clerisy (Europe’s electorally marginal yet influential Green parties). Related to the decline of faith is the rise of multiculturalism. In equal measure admiring of Third World cultures and disdainful of the West, it renders Europeans “incapable of defending their civilization against those who would destroy it.”

Con lo que volvemos a lo de los valores. Unos dicen que cristianos, otros que paganos… valores, al fin y al cabo, es lo que necesita Europa. La Sharia aqui? Cómo era aquello de los Derechos Humanos?

Luis I. Gómez
Luis I. Gómez

Si conseguimos actuar, pensar, sentir y querer ser quien soñamos ser habremos dado el primer paso de nuestra personal “guerra de autodeterminación”. Por esto es importante ser uno mismo quien cuide y atienda las propias necesidades. No limitarse a sentir los beneficios de la libertad, sino llenar los días de gestos que nos permitan experimentarla con otras personas.

Artículos: 3201

2 comentarios

  1. El problema es que la palabra «Dios» les da escalofríos. El secularismo no se siente libre ni seguro mientras se oiga un rumor de oraciones. No convive, se hace beligerante. Provoca lo que pretende evitar. Por otro lado, ayer, un psicólogo de la Universidaz de Barcelona, que es votante del PSOE, me decía algo parecido a lo que dice aquí Thornton:

    Leftism pretends to be scientific and empirical, yet is based on metaphysical assumptions about human nature and our power over human life and choice. It is that disconnect between leftism’s claims and realities that makes it so tenacious and impervious to fact.

    En fin, el tiempo no vuelve ni tropieza.

  2. Los giliprogres llaman «laicidad» al anticlericarismos y anticatolicismo de toda la vida. Con tal de atacar a la Iglesia son capaces de todo, incluso de apoyar al islamismo radical. No se enteran.

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