El islam no es una religión, es una ideología

Khader: Muslims are no more discriminated against in Denmark than they are elsewhere in Europe. At the same time, one has to understand that Islamism is an ideology, not a religion. And Danes are not alone in being afraid and apprehensive of this ideology. There are lots of Muslims who also don’t like Islamism. Generally, Danes give you a fair shake. They accept Muslims if you declare that you are loyal to this society, to democracy. If you say that you are one of them, they will accept you. If you have reservations, they will worry. If you say that you hate democracy and that you want the Shari‘a [Islamic law], you will naturally make enemies…

MEQ: Some argue that the self-censorship that exists in Danish society protects Muslims who would otherwise be discriminated against in some form or another in Denmark. How do you reply to that?

Rose: That is wrong. People who raise that point make an intellectual mistake. They do not differentiate between what I would call good behavior—you could call it political correctness—and submitting themselves to self-censorship. This is because they want to show good behavior and are also afraid. A good example of this was the illustrator who refused to illustrate a children’s book about the life of the Prophet. He is on the record in two interviews saying that he insisted on anonymity because he was afraid. This is self-censorship, not political correctness. There is a very important distinction to be made here between what you perceive as good behavior and a fear keeping you from doing things that you want to do. Also, it is discriminatory toward Muslims to say that we should not make fun of their religion when we are making fun of everybody else’s religion. As I wrote at that time, I’d like to think that in some sense, the cartoons were an act of inclusion because we were not asking more or less of Muslims but exactly the same as of everybody else. Danish Muslims should be treated as adults, not as a weak minority needing special treatment like small children.

Y con esa última frase me quedo yo. No dejen de leer la entrevista completa a Naser Khader y Fleming Rose.

Y no olviden que la autocensura lleva a cosas como esta.

Y a ignorar otras como esta:





Luis I. Gómez
Luis I. Gómez

Si conseguimos actuar, pensar, sentir y querer ser quien soñamos ser habremos dado el primer paso de nuestra personal “guerra de autodeterminación”. Por esto es importante ser uno mismo quien cuide y atienda las propias necesidades. No limitarse a sentir los beneficios de la libertad, sino llenar los días de gestos que nos permitan experimentarla con otras personas.

Artículos: 3201

3 comentarios

  1. Toda religion es una ideologia y debe ser tratada como tal (porque se pude criticar el nazismo, el comunismo, el liberalismo y no al islam?) pero el islam es muy especail: es la unica religion que pretende imponerse al mundo entero por la fuerza, es la unica religion que le deniega a Dios el derecho de cambiar de opinion (el Coran coexiste con Dios de toda eternidad sin una sola coma cambiada), es la unica religion que pretende regir TODOS los aspectos del comprtamaiento humano, hasta con que mano limpiarse el c… Nada de una esfera privada, y nada de «Darle al Cesar lo que es del Cesar» lo cual implica la separacion de poderes entre Igmlesia y Estado (aunque historicamente la Iglesia catolica haya podido resistirse a ello). De hecho el Estado esta al servicio de la propagacion del Islam. Punto.

    O dicho mas claramente es una religion imperialista, totalitaria e irreformable.

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