El líder libio llegó, acampó y tomó té. Zapatero nos vendió su burra, como siempre. Ya lo habían intentado antes, no crean, Aznar y Sarkozy, por ejemplo.
Bien, ya veo que lo recuerdan. Pero seguro que lo que muchos de ustedes no saben es que el señor Gaddafi es uno de los nuevos patrocinadores de Al-Qaeda en Irak. Esta vez se sirve de la «firma» de su hijo:
We shouldn’t be surprised to see young Gaddafi being accused of sponsoring terrorism in Iraq, not should we be surprised if he turns out to be actually involved in sponsoring that «battalion» of terrorists. The dictators of the Middle East have a long-established trend of sponsoring terrorism and provoking chaos in any relevant, or irrelevant, part of the world they have access to. The 2nd half of the 20th century was full of examples of this sort; Saddam funding insurgents in Chad, Egypt becoming part of a civil war in Yemen, Tunisia hosting the PLO, Saddam providing shelter for Dzhokhar Dudayev in 1993, and the list goes long.
However, I am very surprised that this news is being bizarrely ignored by the media.
Did the world get so used to the idea of terror-sponsoring regimes interfering sending death and murderers to Iraq, or did the world get so used to hearing about terrorist attacks in Iraq that an incident like this one is «just another bombing»?
Los medios, dice? Que ignoran el asunto, dice? Los medios están hechos unos zorros.