Agonizante, apenas capaz de respirar por sí misma, entubada a las infusiones socialdemócratas de unos y las cristianodemócratas de otros, infectada del virus letal del intervencionismo, el reglamentarismo; la monitorización del pálpito democrático es cada día más débil.
Dejémosla morir en paz.
The EU constitution must not be allowed to fly again
A dialogue of the deaf is being conducted in Europe’s capitals. The rejection of the European Union’s draft constitution by French and Dutch voters two years ago has not dissuaded some EU leaders from trying, trying, trying again. Angela Merkel, the otherwise able German Chancellor, seems strangely set on reviving this in the form of a slimmed-down constitution which would be substantially similar to the old draft. She admitted this weekend that her new version contained “different terminology without changing the legal substance” of the original. She is aiming to increase the EU’s authority over its members and to impose a Social Europe of unnecessary regulations — at a time when the Union should be heading in precisely the opposite direction.
…Those two measures are really the only ones that can be justified. For claims of EU “inertia” have been greatly exaggerated. In the past two years, when its institutions were supposedly paralysed, the Union has built an entire carbon emissions trading scheme. A recent French study claims that the EU has in fact been adopting new rules faster since enlargement. The desire to “streamline” is really a hunger to centralise.
Leer completo aquí.
Llego al artículo vía Kosmoblog.