Se les escapa de las manos. La sostenibilidad, aplicada al desarrollo, es -desde el punto de vista del mercado- un absurdo per se. Mientras algunos cerebros socializantes buscan las razones en el mercado y pretenden aumentar el control sobre el mismo (es como si a un enfermo de pneumonía, en lugar de administrarle antibióticos, le extirpásemos parte del pulmón) es refrescante comprobar cómo desde los sectores neoliberales de los que nos habla irónicamente Addison, no sólo se diagnostica perfectamente el problema, sino que se proponen las soluciones adecuadas: liberalización frente a intervencionismo.
Lean el artículo de Peter Foster para el Financial Post, no tiene desperdicio:
Sustainability has been smuggled into the policy lexicon as an Orwellian dumber-down of debate. Who would promote unsustainability? It has become the weasel word and policy tic of our time. Corporate chieftains, politicians, consultants and public intellectuals all bow the knee before this founding concept of environmental Newspeak. […]
Although sustainability initiatives are piled on to the policy temple daily, mighty intellectual cracks are becoming ever more apparent. Perhaps the most obvious current example is the global biofuels fiasco. Government subsidies doled out in the name of concern for future generations have wound up exacerbating food supply problems and sending prices soaring; thus severely damaging those underrepresented poor people who happen to live on the earth right now.[…]
So let’s see now, a sustainable government initiative has led to an unsustainable result. Sounds like we need a little more clear thinking here. Or perhaps just thinking.[…]
Totalmente off-topic, solo quiero dejar asentado aquí que me corroe la envidia por el diseño de tu blog.
Saludos. 😉