Casi todas las personas que conozco en esto de la blogocosa pueden presumir de una cosa: honradez. Y Lady Vorzheva es una de las personas más honestas con las que me he cruzado al otro lado de la pantalla de mi ordenador. Por eso se perfectamente que lo que le está ocurriendo es sólo fruto de la mala bilis de un … cómo le llama Emilio?: MAJADERO
Me uno a la propuesta de Emilio; voy a enviar este e-mail y les invito a que hagan lo propio:
I write to you, as a blogger and blog reader, to show my surprise and annoyance after reading the mail you’ve sent to another blogger,, demandig her to remove from her blog a picture apparently taken from your web page in her interest to show a fast and reliable information to her readers, even when the blogger credited the source following the best blogging practices, and threatening her with the taking of legal remedies.
I have to say that your attitude is harmful and ridiculous, and has probably turned out into illegal consequences itself. You should be in the know about the worldwide blogging habit of picking up graphic or writen materials from the rest of web pages without commercial purposes, as an expresion of freedom of speech protected by international laws. By no means could this be considered as a copyright or intellectual property rights infringement.
However, as a result of your complaint, the blogger has suffered the closing down of her blog, which could cause damages in her public image and could as well result into psychological harm. Those are consequences of your acts which could be legally prosecuted, as even you could understand.
Hence, in the name of the blogging principles, I demand to you to repair the situation by sending an email to the hosting company, apologizing for the damages you’ve caused by mistake, asking them to set the blogger’s blog up again; and by publishing your apologies in your web page.
Luis I. Gómez. Spanish blogger.
Vaya con WordPress, disparan y luego preguntan…
En fin, me alegro de que el asunto se haya resuelto.
El blog está activo otra vez después de que me haya mandado este mail:
Se necesita tener cara dura cuando han tenido abiertos sitios de propaganda jihadi durante meses SIN cancelarlos… y a mí no me pueden ni siquiera avisar.
(Y el del copyright que no les haya avisado GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR)
No se por qué, Lady. Duro con ellos!
Gracias, Luis. 😉