Giuliani: primero la paz, luego Palestina


"You can’t negotiate with people like that. This isn’t a matter of being stubborn. . . .

[T]here are people that are so dishonest, so dishonorable, that it is counter-productive to talk to them; it’s counter-productive to empower them.

It just delays the ability to solve a problem. It’s like trying to buy a house from somebody who doesn’t own the house. What’s the point of doing it? Maybe you kind of satisfy yourself and others that you are talking to somebody, but you’re never going to buy the house, because the person doesn’t own the house. You keep offering him money for the house and he keeps agreeing, but then you don’t get the house. It’s just stupid…

The reason we have not been able to create a Palestinian state to date is not because the United States and Israel have not tried. It is because of the Palestinians.”

El resto, versión resumida y vídeo completo, aquí. Llego vía Contentions.

Alguien en Moncloa que se lo traduzca a Zapatero y Moratinos? Y cómo anda Rajoy de inglés?

Luis I. Gómez
Luis I. Gómez

Si conseguimos actuar, pensar, sentir y querer ser quien soñamos ser habremos dado el primer paso de nuestra personal “guerra de autodeterminación”. Por esto es importante ser uno mismo quien cuide y atienda las propias necesidades. No limitarse a sentir los beneficios de la libertad, sino llenar los días de gestos que nos permitan experimentarla con otras personas.

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