El Islam tiene un "Proyecto"

Se acuerdan de “The Brain“, aquel ratón de laboratorio que pretendía dominar el mundo? En los comics los planes de los “malos” siempre salen mal. El caballo corre menos, los explosivos de ACME no estallan a tiempo, el coche pilla el bache que estaba por allí… Leer un comic de los clásicos es una buena forma de manipular nuestros propios medios. Sabemos que en la vida real eso no es así. Los “malos” ganan casi siempre.

Estrategia para establecer un régimen islámico en todo el mundo.

The following tactics and techniques are among the many recommendations made in The Project:

  • Networking and coordinating actions between likeminded Islamist organizations;
  • Avoiding open alliances with known terrorist organizations and individuals to maintain the appearance of “moderation”;
  • Infiltrating and taking over existing Muslim organizations to realign them towards the Muslim Brotherhood’s collective goals;
  • Using deception to mask the intended goals of Islamist actions, as long as it doesn’t conflict with shari’a law;
  • Avoiding social conflicts with Westerners locally, nationally or globally, that might damage the long-term ability to expand the Islamist powerbase in the West or provoke a lash back against Muslims;
  • Establishing financial networks to fund the work of conversion of the West, including the support of full-time administrators and workers;
  • Conducting surveillance, obtaining data, and establishing collection and data storage capabilities;
  • Putting into place a watchdog system for monitoring Western media to warn Muslims of “international plots fomented against them”;
  • Cultivating an Islamist intellectual community, including the establishment of think-tanks and advocacy groups, and publishing “academic” studies, to legitimize Islamist positions and to chronicle the history of Islamist movements;
  • Developing a comprehensive 100-year plan to advance Islamist ideology throughout the world;
  • Balancing international objectives with local flexibility;
  • Building extensive social networks of schools, hospitals and charitable organizations dedicated to Islamist ideals so that contact with the movement for Muslims in the West is constant;
  • Involving ideologically committed Muslims in democratically-elected institutions on all levels in the West, including government, NGOs, private organizations and labor unions;
  • Instrumentally using existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into service of Islam;
  • Drafting Islamic constitutions, laws and policies for eventual implementation;
  • Avoiding conflict within the Islamist movements on all levels, including the development of processes for conflict resolution;
  • Instituting alliances with Western “progressive” organizations that share similar goals;
  • Creating autonomous “security forces” to protect Muslims in the West;
  • Inflaming violence and keeping Muslims living in the West “in a jihad frame of mind”;
  • Supporting jihad movements across the Muslim world through preaching, propaganda, personnel, funding, and technical and operational support;
  • Making the Palestinian cause a global wedge issue for Muslims;
  • Adopting the total liberation of Palestine from Israel and the creation of an Islamic state as a keystone in the plan for global Islamic domination;
  • Instigating a constant campaign to incite hatred by Muslims against Jews and rejecting any discussions of conciliation or coexistence with them;
  • Actively creating jihad terror cells within Palestine;
  • Linking the terrorist activities in Palestine with the global terror movement;
  • Collecting sufficient funds to indefinitely perpetuate and support jihad around the world;

Lean el artículo de FrontPageMagazine.com y, cómo no, “The Project” en versión completa y no censurada. Me río yo de “The Brain”.

Luis I. Gómez
Luis I. Gómez

Si conseguimos actuar, pensar, sentir y querer ser quien soñamos ser habremos dado el primer paso de nuestra personal “guerra de autodeterminación”. Por esto es importante ser uno mismo quien cuide y atienda las propias necesidades. No limitarse a sentir los beneficios de la libertad, sino llenar los días de gestos que nos permitan experimentarla con otras personas.

Artículos: 3201

3 comentarios

  1. Nada nuevo que no sepamos los que no creemos en la Alianza de Civilizaciones. La pena es que en España seguimos mirando a otro lado y ellos vienen a recuperar Al-Andalus.

  2. ¿Un proyecto, nada más? Nuestra resistencia cultural está bajo mínimos, como dice Yuste.

  3. Lo tienen mucho más claro que nosotros, lo que les da ventaja de salida. Ya veremos si no reaccionamos demasiado tarde, como de costumbre…

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