The University of Leeds was accused of infringing free speech last night when it cancelled a lecture on “Islamic anti-Semitism” by a German academic.
Matthias Köntzel arrived at the university yesterday morning to begin a three-day programme of lectures and seminars, but was told that it had been called off on “security grounds”. …
The lecture, entitled “Hitler’s Legacy: Islamic antiSemitism in the Middle East”, was organised by the university’s German department and publicised three weeks ago. A large attendance had been expected.
Dr Köntzel, a former adviser to the German Green Party, said: “I have been told that it has had to be cancelled for security reasons. It seems there were concerns that there could be violence against my person.
“I have lectured in lots of countries on this subject. I gave the same talk at Yale University recently, and this is the first time I have been invited to lecture in the UK. Nothing like this has ever happened before – this is censorship.
Fuente. Llego a la cosa vía Weapons of Modern Democracy
Ya ven. «Diálogo de civilizaciones» se llama esto. Por cierto, si han leído la nota de prensa entera… no les llama la atención el titular que ha elegido Times? (Por cierto, no se llama Köntzel, se llama Küntzel, el bueno del profesor alemán)
Hitler era muy malo , pero me parece que los islamistas eran judeofobos antes de que parieran a Adolfito.