No, no he sido yo, que no tengo tiempo para esas cosas. Ha sido Lord Christopher Walter Monckton, uno de los más ilustres representantes de la corriente escéptica frente a la apocalíptica climática. Se ha sentado, ha tomado el famoso «IPCC Fourth Assessment Report 2007» y le ha hecho un fisking demoledor.
Un par de recortes para hacer boca (en cursiva las notas de Lord Monckton):
UN: The combined radiative forcing arising from increases in the major greenhouse gases is
+2.3 Wm-2. The rate of increase since 1750 is very likely to have been unprecedented in more
than 10,000 years.
CM: Mere lack of precedent does not in itself imply a problem. The greenhouse-gas forcing
of 2.3 Wm-2 is lower than the 2.43 Wm-2 in the 2001 report, and the net forcing of 1.6 Wm-2
is down by a third.UN: Arctic temperatures rose twice as fast as the global average since 1905. However, Arctic
temperatures are very variable. A warm period was observed from 1925 to 1945.
CM: The Arctic warm period from 1925 to 1945 mentioned by the UN was actually warmer
than the present by as much as 1 degree Celsius. The polar bears throve, and still thrive.
Most researches show the Antarctic is cooling.UN: Arctic permafrost surface temperature has risen up to 3°C since the 1980s. The maximum
area covered by seasonally frozen ground has decreased by about 7% in the Northern
Hemisphere since 1900.
CM: The bones of woolly mammoths and other creatures are found in the thawing
permafrost, showing that it was not always frozen. Scares about release of methane from
permafrost have proven false.
Y sigue, y sigue… no se pierdan el .pdf entero