Me entero, buscando noticias, de esto:
Zambia has just reconfirmed its ban on famine-relief containing GM food. Uganda and Kenya are wavering. More than 12 million people are starving in Africa right now. GM food would not solve malnutrition and starvation by itself, but it would certainly help.
… y me pongo a mirar esto otro:
que son fotos de Sudán, con imágenes en absoluto diferentes a las que veríamos hoy en Zambia, Uganda, Kenia….
… y me quedo pensando: pero mira que podemos ser inconscientes!
When the Zambian government turned away GM maize intended for its starving people because of a theoretical health risk, it created a real risk and turned a disaster into a tragedy. Denied the food, people died of starvation. But that same type of GM maize has been consumed by Americans and Canadians for more than a decade.
Pues nada, ya saben, más vale morir sano que vivir bajo sospecha.
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