La lavandería castrista

Los “logros” de la recientemente “celebrada” Cumbre Iberoamericana cobran mayor significado a la luz de la verdad:

Congressional investigators probing whether the world’s largest “wealth management” firm, UBS, may have laundered $5 billion in American currency for state sponsors of terrorism are pushing for the American government to block or seize any assets that may be held by the Castro regime at the Swiss bank’s vault in Zurich, according to correspondence obtained by The New York Sun.

According to congressional staff familiar with discussions between UBS and investigating congressmen, the Swiss bank has yet to indicate that the Cuban account – fed by monthly shipments of American banknotes flown from Havana to Zurich on a jet designated by the Castro regime specifically for that purpose, according to congressional investigators – has been closed.

Pero, nos sigue contando Fausta desde su The Bad Hair BLog, Castro no es el único cliente de la “lavandería”:

When, in April 2003, American troops liberating Iraq found $762 million in American cash in hideouts belonging to Saddam Hussein, the banknotes were traced to UBS and the ECI program. In the process of probing the origins of the Iraqi cash – which UBS has told congressional investigators was initially sent to the Central Bank of Iran – American investigators subsequently discovered that the Swiss bank had also provided $3.9 billion in American currency for Cuba, $1 billion for Iran, $30 million for Libya, and less than $1 million for Yugoslavia. Cuba, Iran, and Libya appear on the State Department’s official list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Vamos, lo mejor de cada casa. Como apunta Fausta, a mí tampoco me extrañaría que apereciese una cuenta venezolana a poco que se busque.

Para los amigos de la revolución:

The average person in Cuba has to get by on $20 and a book of rations each month. But of course, Fidel and his apologists blame the “embargo” for that. No embargo kept that $3,900,000,000 from enriching fidel, though.

Luis I. Gómez
Luis I. Gómez

Si conseguimos actuar, pensar, sentir y querer ser quien soñamos ser habremos dado el primer paso de nuestra personal “guerra de autodeterminación”. Por esto es importante ser uno mismo quien cuide y atienda las propias necesidades. No limitarse a sentir los beneficios de la libertad, sino llenar los días de gestos que nos permitan experimentarla con otras personas.

Artículos: 3201

Un comentario

  1. UBS estaba tambien implicada en el escandalo de las victimas del holocausto.Escondieron las cuentas a los descendientes para quedarse la guita.
    Espero que algun dia tambien las victimas de Castro alcancen un acuerdo extrajudicial con UBS.

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