Buena gente

Me lo acaba de enviar un amigo kurdo por correo y lo hago público:

Dear Ladies and Sirs, dear Friends,

attached you find a Call for Donations and a Declaration of Solidarity with the victims of Katrina Hurricane. This Call is going to be published in Kurdish in major Newspapers in Iraqi Kurdistan and will be distributed widely. You can find the original version here:

Suleymaniah, September 5th 2005

Sarwar Ali Jafar
Falah Muradkhin

Call for Solidarity and Assistance to the Victims of Katrina in the United States of America

To the Citizens of Iraqi-Kurdistan and Iraq

With sympathy and great sorrow, we have watched the reports on the devastation of the city of New Orleans by the hurricane Katrina. As Iraqi and Kurds we wish to express our solidarity with all the victims and their beloved ones.

So far, we have benefited from the support of many brave people in America for our struggle for freedom, democracy and progress. We will never forget that Saddam Hussein’s brutal dictatorship would not have been toppled in 2003, without the devotion of the American people and their government. To our regret, almost daily American soldiers are killed by terrorist in Iraq. We also remember that the billions of dollars spent for the reconstruction of Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan are the taxes paid by American citizens. As Kurds and Iraqis we know to well what it means to loose one’s home and become a refugee.

Now we can show our solidarity with those who supported us in 2003 when we needed assistance. Therefore, we are calling all Kurds and other Iraqis to donate for the victims of the natural disaster that hit the South of the USA.

Our country is now impoverished after decades of dictatorship and war and thus unable to contribute as much as its natural wealth could allow. Thus we can not give, what we would like to, but we are able to contribute, every one of us.

We are appealing to all Citizens of Iraqi-Kurdistan and Iraq and the Civil Society Organizations and Charities to participate in this collection. The collected donations will be sent as soon as possible together with a letter of support and solidarity to the American Red Cross.

Therefore we got a license (Number 2735 from September 4th 2005 ) from the Local Authorities to conduct this collection.

Development and Human Rights Democracy Center (DHRD), Suleymaniah

The members of WADI in Iraqi-Kurdistan.

Sulaimanyah, Kurdistan, Iraq, September 4th 2005

Sarwar Ali Jafar for DHRD
Falah Muradkhin for the Members of WADI in Iraqi-Kurdistan

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 009647701588173

Todavía queda gente agradecida y buena en el mundo, sin importar religión o procedencia. Y eso merece RECONOCIMIENTO.

Luis I. Gómez
Luis I. Gómez

Si conseguimos actuar, pensar, sentir y querer ser quien soñamos ser habremos dado el primer paso de nuestra personal “guerra de autodeterminación”. Por esto es importante ser uno mismo quien cuide y atienda las propias necesidades. No limitarse a sentir los beneficios de la libertad, sino llenar los días de gestos que nos permitan experimentarla con otras personas.

Artículos: 3201

Un comentario

  1. tú lo has dicho, Luis.
    Todavía queda gente agradecida a la «gran bestia invasora y asesina de EEUU», que a veces «sólo por accidente» arriesga la vida de sus jóvenes y los esfuerzos de toda su sociedad para llevar la libertad a algunos pueblos oprimidos.
    Como en el Evangelio, cuando Jesús cura a los 10 leprosos, a veces hay uno que se da vuelta para agradecer.

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