«Israel’s parliament removed the last legislative obstacle before implementation of this summer’s pullout from Gaza and part of the West Bank, easily passing the state budget and saving Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s government from collapse.
The vote late yesterday was 58-36 with one abstention, a misleadingly wide margin for a government battered by opposition to the pullout plan. If the budget had not passed by tomorrow, Sharon would have had to resign, delaying or scuttling the withdrawal.
Parliamentary opponents of the pullout, even in Sharon’s own party, voted against the budget with that goal in mind.
But Sharon pledged hundreds of millions of dollars in special spending to three parties to gain their votes, ensuring a majority.
With the end of the parliamentary manoeuvring, settlers and their backers pledged to take to the streets with their struggle against the plan to remove all 21 Jewish settlements from Gaza and four from the West Bank.»Fuente
Me pregunto qué van a decir ahora los antisemitas que llevan toda la vida intentando convencernos de lo malvado que es Sharon, ése «ultranacionalista sionista de extrema derecha». Pero no hemos de preocuparnos, los antisionistas encontrarán, seguro, la forma de darle la vuelta a la tortilla y, si se produjeran nuevos atentados terroristas, explicarnos que todo se debe a la opresión que padecen los palestinos, o al hambre, o a la falta de educación, o qué se yo. Lo más importante será seguir manteniendo que el odio a los israelíes sigue siendo justificado, incluso necesario.
Mientras, en el otro lado, el de «los buenos»:
«Islamic Jihad head Mohammed al-Hindi attended a Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee meeting in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, marking the first time that a religious Islamic group has participated in a meeting of the PLO’s highest decision-making body.
Hamas, however, boycotted the meeting, which was planned as a first step toward the inclusion of all the major Palestinian factions in the PLO’s executive body.
Expressing optimism after the meeting, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas told reporters that a definite possibility exists for the parties to “reach an agreement on basic political common denominators.”
Abbas said Hamas was expected to attend a meeting next month that would include committee members and Islamic Jihad. He gave no time frame on how long the membership process might take.
But after the meeting in Gaza, Hindi said “a long time and much effort” was needed before Islamic factions could agree to membership in the PLO.
Negotiations between Fatah and the other factions are meant to determine the necessary structural changes and the number of representatives each faction is to be allocated in the committee.
The Hamas boycott was the result of a dispute between the militant group and the ruling Fatah party over the extent of Hamas representation in the executive committee.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are demanding that their representatives constitute 40 percent of the executive committee members in a new body that will be formed, but they have not yet reached an agreement with Fatah on the matter.
Conflicting reports swirled around the meeting, with Fatah and Hamas at first saying they had come to an agreement on the issue and Islamic Jihad later reported as saying it would boycott the PLO meeting along with Hamas.Fuente
A los chicos del Hamas lo único que les importa es aumentar la cuota de poder. Todas sus actividades (las sociales y las terroristas) y toda su política está orientada hacia el máximo grado de poder en Palestina. Incluso Abbas y la OLP no son sino estorbos en ese camino hacia el poder de la organización islamista.
En esto, como en todo, el tiempo dará y quitará razones. Siempre y cuando los medios no nos vendan la burra del tío Felipe.
En esto, como en todo, el tiempo da y quita razones, Luis.
Lo malo es, tantas veces, el precio que hay que pagar por ello y sufrir todo lo que pasa en el ínterin.